Green Whole Beans
Raw Green Whole Beans Coffee
Qishr Coffee Husks 16oz
Coffee Husks (Cascara) are the outer shell of the coffee pulp. It is an organic decaf that has a taste similar to tea.
Sana’ani Blend
Finely ground medium roast coffee mixed with cardamom. Originating from the Harsh, dry mountain terrain of Yemen's capital, Sana'a, this is surely a coffee worthy of enjoyment. Add cream to it and it becomes another Sana'ani favorite called "Mofawar".
Turkish Blend
Our mix of Medium and Dark roast finely ground coffee with cardamom. While it may be a Turkish mix, our blend still uses Yemeni coffee to capture the strong Dark and Medium roast taste of this worldwide favorite drink.
Jubani Blend
Our signature mix of finely ground light roast, medium roast, coffee husks, and ginger, cinnamon, cardamom. It originates from the Yemeni region of "Juban". The combination of coffee and spices makes for a very aromatic drink that almost tastes like a cross between a tea and coffee.
Adeni Chai Mix
Yemeni Black Tea mixed with Cardamom and Nutmeg. Adeni Chai is an aromatic, spiced tea made with evaporated milk that is famous worldwide for its unique flavor.
Espresso Blend
A smooth and sultry duet: a rich, delicious espresso blend that’s easy to drink.
Medium Roast Whole Beans
With our medium roast, you’ll awaken your senses with its packed fruity and chocolatey flavors that has a natural sweetness you can taste in every sip!
Dark Roast / Espresso Whole Beans
The bold and earthy flavors in this dark roast give a rich and powerful taste to your morning coffee. The body is more full and deep with a smooth and silky finish.